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Upload Files - Google Drive for new Google Sites

Utilize Google Drive to upload and share your files y'all want to provide from your Google Site

Google Drive - Upload and Share

  1. Go to Google Drive and sign in

  2. Create a binder to shop the files in

  3. Share the folder accordingly

    • If for a public site turn link sharing on and set up to

      • On - Public on the spider web or

      • On - Anyone with the link

    • If for an internal site and so either set link sharing to

      • On - Anyone at [ organization ] with the link or

      • Off - specific people and add the specific people.

  4. Upload the files you want to share via the site

Upload your files to Google Drive and share appropriately

Google Sites - Embed Folder or Link

  1. Open the Insert panel on the right

  2. Use the From Drive choice

  3. Pick the folder you wish to embed on the site and use the Insert button at the bottom of the insert panel.

  4. Alter the settings to cull either Filigree view or List view

Alternatively just link to your Google Drive file or folder.

Publish your page and whoever you shared with folder with from Google Drive volition exist able to encounter the contents of the folder embedded in the Google Site.

Need a better Google Bulldoze Gadget?

If the standard Google Drive Binder embed does non give you everything you demand have a wait at the Steegle Google Drive Gadget that offers search, sorting, download links and more...

Insert from Drive or link in new Google Sites

List of the file titles and the last modified dates and times, You also see the name of the user who concluding modified the file.

Y'all cannot hide the last modified appointment, time or user.

You run across a large thumbnail of the files with its file proper name. You practice non see the concluding modified engagement, time or any user information.

You cannot alter the size of the thumbnail displayed.

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