
How Can I Upload A New Version Of An Image To Cloudinary Without Change The Url

Cloudinary offers a variety of advanced URL options for delivering your media assets.

  • Asset versions
  • Error handling
  • Client-side asset lists
  • Private CDNs and CNAMEs
  • Multi-CDN Solutions
  • Multiple sub-domains
  • SEO-friendly media asset URLs
  • Using a default image placeholder
  • Generating delivery URL signatures

Asset versions

By default, Cloudinary assigns a randomly generated unique public ID to each uploaded media asset. Alternatively, yous tin can either define your ain custom public ID or one based on the original file name of the uploaded image. If you upload an image with a public ID that already exists, the file volition be overwritten. Go on in mind though that the CDN may already contain a previously cached copy of the older image.

To force the CDN to display the latest uploaded image, y'all can add a version component to Cloudinary's URLs. The version value is returned past Cloudinary as part of the response of the paradigm upload, and represents the timestamp of the upload. Adding the version component to URLs tin be washed by setting the version parameter (5 in URLs), for example:

Carmine (cloudinary one.x):

Re-create to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  )

PHP (cloudinary_php 2.10):

Copy to clipboard

(new                  ImageTag(                    '                    sample.jpg                    '                  ))   ->version(                    "                    v1312461204                    "                  );

PHP (cloudinary_php 1.10 (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  )

Python (cloudinary 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

CloudinaryImage(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  ).prototype()

Node.js (cloudinary one.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.image(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  )

Java (cloudinary one.ten):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.url().transformation(new                  Transformation().imageTag(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  );

JS (@cloudinary/url-gen i.x):

Copy to clipboard

                  new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  ).version(                    "                    v1312461204                    "                  );

JS (cloudinary-core 2.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.imageTag(                    '                    sample.jpg                    '                  ).toHtml();

jQuery (cloudinary-jquery 2.ten):

Copy to clipboard

                  $.cloudinary.paradigm(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  )

React (@cloudinary/react 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

                    new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  ).version(                    "                    v1312461204                    "                  );

React (cloudinary-react 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

                  <Image                  publicId=                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                                    >                  </Prototype>                

Vue.js (cloudinary-vue 1.10):

Re-create to clipboard

<cld-image                  public-id=                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                                    >  <                    /                    cld-image>                                  

Angular (@cloudinary/ng 1.10):

Re-create to clipboard

                    new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  ).version(                    "                    v1312461204                    "                  );

Angular (@cloudinary/athwart-5.x 1.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

<cl-image                  public-id=                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                                    >  <                    /                    cl-image>                                  

.NET (CloudinaryDotNet 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.Api.UrlImgUp.BuildImageTag(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  )

iOS (cloudinary iii.x):

Copy to clipboard

imageView.cldSetImage(cloudinary.createUrl().generate(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  )!, cloudinary: cloudinary)

Android (cloudinary-android 1.10):

Copy to clipboard

MediaManager.get().url().transformation(new                  Transformation().generate(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  );

Kotlin (kotlin-url-gen 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.prototype {   publicId(                    "                    sample.jpg                    "                  )    version(                    "                    v1312461204                    "                  )  }.generate()

sample image with version

Every bit an alternative to using versions, y'all can set the invalidate parameter to true while uploading a new image in club to invalidate the previous image throughout the CDN. It usually takes between a few seconds and a few minutes for the invalidation to fully propagate through the CDN, while the version component takes upshot immediately.

  • There are also a number of other important considerations when using the invalidate functionality. For example, if there is no version number in a URL that includes a folder construction, and then by default, those URLs are non invalidated. For details on invalidating media assets, meet Invalidating cached media assets on the CDN.
  • You cannot utilise 'v' followed by numeric characters as the proper noun of a folder.

Error treatment

If you have a problem when accessing a Cloudinary transformation URL ( thousand., a blank result in your browser), it might be a uncomplicated matter of using the wrong transformation syntax. To understand more, check the X-Cld-Error HTTP response header which is where Cloudinary reports any errors it encounters (e.g., invalid syntax, invalid parameters, limit bug, etc.).

For example, trying to access the following URL would result in a 10-Cld-Fault: Invalid width - abc fault, as the width parameter is used with an integer value and non a string:

To view the 10-Cld-Error header on a Chrome browser for example, select Developers Tools from the View menu. Then select the Network tab, refresh your page, click on the prototype name with the 400 status lawmaking and await for X-Cld-Mistake under Response Headers.

Error report

You can also use the Management Console to see errors that have been generated from requests to your account via delivery URLs or API calls. To access the Fault Report folio click Reports > Mistake study.

Error report

You can export an error written report for a specific 24-hour interval by selecting the date and clicking the Export to CSV link. An email is sent to yous with a link to download the error report in CSV format.

Client-side asset lists

Yous can use the listing commitment blazon to generate a JSON listing of all assets with a specified tag straight from your front-end code. Additional information is returned for each nugget, including information on its format, blazon, dimensions, contextual metadata and structured metadata.

URL syntax:

Copy to clipboard<your_cloud_name>/<resource_type>/list/<tag>.json

The response is a JSON snippet list all the resources of the specified resource blazon and the specified tag. For example, the request below generates a JSON listing of all image resources in the demo projection with the tag logo.

Copy to clipboard

To generate the client-side lists using an SDK:

Ruby (cloudinary 1.ten):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary_url(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  ,                  :blazon=>                    "                    list                    "                  )

PHP (cloudinary_php two.x):

Re-create to clipboard

                  Media::fromParams(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  , [                    "                    type                    "                  =>                    "                    listing                    "                  ]);

PHP (cloudinary_php 1.x (legacy)):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary_url(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  , [                    "                    type                    "                  =>                    "                    list                    "                  ])

Python (cloudinary 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary_url(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  , type=                    "                    list                    "                  )

Node.js (cloudinary 1.10):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.url(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  , {blazon:                                      "                    list                    "                  })

Coffee (cloudinary i.x):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.url().blazon(                    "                    list                    "                  ).generate(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  );

JS (cloudinary-core 2.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.url(                    '                    logo.json                    '                  , {blazon:                                      "                    list                    "                  });

jQuery (cloudinary-jquery 2.x):

Copy to clipboard

                  $.cloudinary.url(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  , {blazon:                                      "                    list                    "                  })

.NET (CloudinaryDotNet 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.Api.UrlImgUp.Blazon(                    "                    list                    "                  ).BuildImageTag(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  )

iOS (cloudinary iii.ten):

Re-create to clipboard

imageView.cldSetImage(cloudinary.createUrl().setType(                                      "                    list                    "                  ).generate(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  )!, cloudinary: cloudinary)

Android (cloudinary-android 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

MediaManager.get().url().type(                    "                    list                    "                  ).generate(                    "                    logo.json                    "                  );

JSON response from the URL:

Copy to clipboard

              {                "                resource                "              :    [{                "                public_id                "              :                "                cloudinary_fashion_logo                "              ,                "                version                "              :1588962712,                "                format                "              :                "                png                "              ,                              "                width                "              :240,                "                summit                "              :307,                "                type                "              :                "                upload                "              ,                "                created_at                "              :                "                2020-05-08T18:31:52Z                "              ,                              "                metadata                "              :[{                "                external_id                "              :                "                color_id                "              ,                "                characterization                "              :                "                Colors                "              ,                "                type                "              :                "                set                "              ,                "                value                "              :      [{                "                external_id                "              :                "                color1                "              ,                "                value                "              :                "                red                "              },{                "                external_id                "              :                "                color2                "              ,                "                value                "              :                "                light-green                "              }]}]},    {                "                public_id                "              :                "                amazon_logo                "              ,                "                version                "              :1315740184,                "                format                "              :                "                png                "              ,                              "                width                "              :162,                "                superlative                "              :38,                "                type                "              :                "                upload                "              ,                "                created_at                "              :                "                2011-09-11T11:23:04Z                "              },    {                "                public_id                "              :                "                microsoft_logo                "              ,                "                version                "              :1315740090,                "                format                "              :                "                png                "              ,                              "                width                "              :216,                "                height                "              :70,                "                type                "              :                "                upload                "              ,                "                created_at                "              :                "                2011-09-11T11:21:30Z                "              },    {                "                public_id                "              :                "                apple_logo                "              ,                "                version                "              :1315740074,                "                format                "              :                "                jpg                "              ,                              "                width                "              :206,                "                height                "              :250,                "                type                "              :                "                upload                "              ,                "                created_at                "              :                "                2011-09-11T11:21:14Z                "              ,                              "                context                "              :{                "                custom                "              :{                "                Main                "              :                "                true                "              ,                "                Order                "              :                "                2                "              }}},    {                "                public_id                "              :                "                google_logo                "              ,                "                version                "              :1315740052,                "                format                "              :                "                png                "              ,                              "                width                "              :275,                "                height                "              :95,                "                blazon                "              :                "                upload                "              ,                "                created_at                "              :                "                2011-09-11T11:twenty:52Z                "              ,                              "                context                "              :{                "                custom                "              :{                "                alt                "              :                "                google logo                "              ,                "                caption                "              :                "                Google Logo                "              }}}],                              "                updated_at                "              :                "                2020-05-08T21:11:37Z                "              }
  • By default, the list delivery blazon is restricted. To enable it, open up the Security settings in your Management console, and clear Resource list detail under Restricted epitome types. You may want to clear this option only temporarily, as needed. Alternatively, you tin can bypass this (and whatever) delivery type brake using a signed URL.
  • This option supports listing up to 1000 resource. To retrieve more than than 1000, use the resources_by_tag property of the Admin API in server-side code, and include the next_cursor parameter to view long lists.
  • The JSON response is cached with a 60 second expiration policy. If you add or remove tags to avails, you lot'll be able to call back an updated JSON 1 minute later the previous JSON was generated.

Private CDNs and CNAMEs

The default Cloudinary shared CDN distribution is Thus the default delivery URL for Cloudinary accounts uses the format:<cloud_name>/...

Cloudinary also supports individual CDN distribution configurations. In this instance, your nugget delivery URL will follow the format:


For instance:

Additionally, Cloudinary supports defining custom CNAMEs for relevant customers. In this case, your nugget delivery URL will follow the format:

https://<your custom domain name>/...

For example:

https://world wide

Individual CDN distributions and CNAMEs are available only for Cloudinary's Advanced plan and higher, and crave a small setup on Cloudinary'south side. An HTTPS-enabled CNAME also entails an boosted toll. Contact us for more than details.

SDK configuration for private CDNs and CNAMES

By default, when you use Cloudinary SDKs to generate delivery or transformation URLs, they generate them in the default format.

If you are using a private CDN or CNAME, make certain to ascertain the private_cdn or secure_distribution/cname configuration parameter, so that the SDK will generate your URLs correctly.

For details, come across Configuration parameters besides as the Installation and Configuration section of the relevant SDK guide.

Custom favicons

If your account is configured with a private CDN or CNAME, you tin also gear up up a custom favicon for your account. This favicon will be displayed whenever anyone views the assets you deliver in a separate tab. For instance, note the custom Custom favicon logo in the browser tab of the following image:

To set your account'south custom favicon, upload a public .ico file called favicon.ico to the root folder of your account.

If you lot don't ready a custom favicon for your account:

  • For accounts with private CDN configurations, the default Cloudinary logo favicon volition be used.
  • For CNAME accounts, no favicon will be displayed.

Multi-CDN Solutions

Different CDN solutions may provide meliorate support for a item CDN-based functionality that is important for your website or awarding, such as quick invalidations, video streaming capabilities, and more.

Alternatively, you lot may find that one CDN service best serves certain geographical markets, while another is significantly ameliorate for other locations. The same may exist true for the aforementioned geography, just at different times of the solar day, or for a diverseness of other variables. Therefore, you lot could potentially optimize your page load fourth dimension for each user past using different CDN services for different user requests.

If your account is on an Enterprise plan, you tin optionally have reward of one of the following solutions to ensure that your resources are delivered via the CDN that bests fits the needs of your application and your users:

  • Dynamic multi-CDN switching: Uses existent-time information to automatically select the best performing or near appropriate of the supported CDN services for every user asking. This automated CDN switching service routes users based on geography, HTTP circular-trip-fourth dimension (RTT), and a variety of other variables, and directs each user to a specific web server based on intersections between server load and geography, while avoiding CDNs that are experiencing temporary outages or lowered availability. It gathers this data on an ongoing basis so that it is gear up to brand the all-time real-time routing conclusion each time a request comes in.

    • Have a expect at the Multi-CDN Demo folio to meet how long the same resource takes to evangelize to your browser or to a diverseness of geographies via different CDN services, and how chop-chop y'all tin deliver that same resource via the multi-CDN switching feature.
    • This service includes real-fourth dimension monitoring that can provide insights about how improvements in your page load time influence user behavior KPIs such as visit length and conversions.
  • Smart CDN option: Cloudinary experts aid yous determine which of the supported CDN services is the best fit for your required features and target audience. In some cases, it may even exist determined that certain types of resources should exist delivered through ane CDN service, and the rest through another. Additionally, if it's determined in the time to come that some other CDN service could better serve your content, Cloudinary transparently implements the new configuration and mapping behind the scenes.

In both of the above options, Cloudinary handles the required CDN configurations and the mappings betwixt CDN domains and the public Cloudinary domain, so that the resource URLs in your site or app never need to change.

These multi-CDN features are available only to Cloudinary customers with Enterprise plan accounts, and the dynamic multi-CDN switching feature affects pricing. These features are currently supported for Akamai, Fastly and CloudFront CDNs. Contact us for additional details.

Multiple sub-domains

The multiple sub-domains characteristic is no longer necessary with Cloudinary supporting the newer HTTP 2.0 protocol, since HTTP 2.0 supports concurrency past default.

Browsers currently limit the number of download requests they perform concurrently from each unique domain, which means that downloading many images from a unmarried web page might be somewhat deadening. To overcome this limitation, Cloudinary supports downloading images via multiple sub-domains, which ways y'all can spread your image downloads between the different sub-domains, resulting in a much improved spider web browsing speed.

The improvement applies only to epitome requests over HTTP and it is not recommended to use multiple sub-domains together with HTTPS: opening an HTTPS connectedness requires more time than opening an HTTP connectedness (several round trips are needed to perform the encryption handshake).

Cloudinary supports the default res sub-domain, too equally the res-ane through res-5 sub-domains, as a prefix to the host name. Mapping betwixt a specific image (by public ID) and the six dissimilar sub-domains (res plus res-1 through res-v) should exist consistent in club to ensure that the browsers tin can correctly enshroud the images. For example, referencing a certain image once via 'res-i' and and then again via 'res-2' will bypass browser caching and download the image twice.

For example, the sample image delivered via the res-4 sub-domain:

When using one of Cloudinary's framework SDKs, you can too automatically enable delivering images from the res-1 through res-5 sub-domains by setting the cdn_subdomain parameter to true, either globally (due east.thousand., in the CLOUDINARY_URL environment variable) or locally in each call. Annotation that the Cloudinary SDKs automatically map individual images consistently to the same sub-domain using a CRC32 based lawmaking of the paradigm's public ID.

You can too use multiple sub-domains when using a custom domain (CNAME) by prepending the a1 through a5 sub-domains, every bit a prefix to the host name, for example:


CNAMEs are available merely for Cloudinary'south Advanced plan and higher, and requires a modest setup on Cloudinary's side. Furthermore, the sub-domains need to be divers in the DNS settings of the domain name. Contact united states for more than details.

For more information on using sub-domains, see the Reduce site load time with multiple CDN sub-domains commodity.

SEO-friendly media asset URLs

Prototype and video URLs are specified in the source code of HTML pages and are leveraged past search engines to empathize the media asset's content. Concise and descriptive paradigm and video file names are better for search engines to extract information about a media file, therefore supporting your site's SEO ranking.

SEO starts with the ability to define custom public IDs while uploading media assets which can be as descriptive equally necessary. Cloudinary tin can aid brand your image and video URLs more SEO friendly in a few other ways:

  • Root path URLs
  • Dynamic SEO suffixes
  • CNAMEs

For more information on creating SEO friendly URLs, see the article on How to dynamically create SEO-friendly URLs for your site's images.

Root path URLs

The Root Path URL feature allows yous to create shorter image URLs for delivering uploaded images. The default Cloudinary resource commitment URL includes the resource blazon and type parameters, for example, /image/upload. With Cloudinary'due south Root Path URL feature, the resources type and blazon parameters are set up to the default values 'epitome' and 'upload' respectively, which ways that whatsoever URL without the resource type and blazon parameters will automatically default to using those values.

For example, the default commitment URL for the sample paradigm in JPEG format is ordinarily:

The commitment URL using the Root Path URL feature for prototype uploads is:

Both the URLs to a higher place evangelize the same uploaded prototype.

Dynamic SEO suffixes

The dynamic SEO suffixes feature allows you to dynamically add a descriptive suffix to the Public ID in the delivery URL. This can exist useful:

  • If the asset was not given a suitable Public ID during the upload procedure.
  • To back up dissimilar languages for describing a unmarried asset.
  • To reflect specific content on certain pages.

Using this feature when delivering a URL does not incur additional transformation counts as the suffix is resolved on the CDN layer.

Even when transformations are applied, if y'all evangelize the identical transformation URL multiple times, where only the SEO suffix differs, and so but the first delivered (or eagerly generated) of those URLs, regardless of SEO suffix, is charged for initially generating the transformed asset.

To add a dynamic SEO suffix, the asset type and delivery type elements of the URL need to exist merged into a single component:

  • For assets stored using the upload delivery blazon:
    • supercede /prototype/upload with /images
    • replace /video/upload with /videos
    • supercede /raw/upload with /files
  • For private epitome uploads, replace /epitome/individual with /private_images
  • For authenticated image uploads, supercede image/authenticated with /authenticated_images.

Afterwards, whatsoever custom suffix can then exist dynamically appended to the Public ID by adding a slash (/) and the SEO name.

Currently, private and authenticated videos practise not support SEO suffixes.

For case the default delivery URL for the t8sn7wg4jd74j image in JPEG format is:

The commitment URL with the suffix basketball-game added to the Public ID is:

In the URL below, the aforementioned image is given a suffix in Castilian:

All the URLs above deliver the same uploaded image.

Generating URLs with SEO suffixes using SDKs

To generate a URL with an SEO suffix using an SDK, pass the relevant url_suffix/suffix configuration parameter. The SDK will so generate the URL with correct merged asset type & delivery type component and append the specified suffix.

The example below shows a URL with multiple chained transformations and a Spanish SEO suffix.

Ruby (cloudinary one.ten):

Re-create to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  ,                  :url_suffix=>                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ,                  :transformation=>[   {:aspect_ratio=>                    "                    1.0                    "                  ,                  :gravity=>                    "                    face                    "                  ,                  :width=>0.half dozen,                  :zoom=>0.7,                  :ingather=>                    "                    pollex                    "                  },   {:radius=>                    "                    max                    "                  },   {:color=>                    "                    brownish                    "                  ,                  :upshot=>                    "                    outline                    "                  }   ])

PHP (cloudinary_php 2.x):

Copy to clipboard

(new                  ImageTag(                    '                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    '                  ))   ->resize(Resize::thumbnail()->width(0.half-dozen) ->aspectRatio(1.0) ->zoom(   ->gravity(                  Gravity::focusOn(                  FocusOn::face()))   )   ->roundCorners(RoundCorners::max())   ->effect(Consequence::outline()   ->color(Color::Dark-brown)   )   ->suffix(                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  );

PHP (cloudinary_php ane.ten (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  ,                  assortment(                    "                    url_suffix                    "                  =>                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ,                                      "                    transformation                    "                  =>array(                  array(                    "                    aspect_ratio                    "                  =>                    "                    1.0                    "                  ,                                      "                    gravity                    "                  =>                    "                    face                    "                  ,                                      "                    width                    "                  =>                    "                    0.6                    "                  ,                                      "                    zoom                    "                  =>                    "                    0.7                    "                  ,                                      "                    crop                    "                  =>                    "                    thumb                    "                  ),                  array(                    "                    radius                    "                  =>                    "                    max                    "                  ),                  array(                    "                    color                    "                  =>                    "                    brownish                    "                  ,                                      "                    effect                    "                  =>                    "                    outline                    "                  )   )))

Python (cloudinary 1.ten):

Copy to clipboard

CloudinaryImage(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  ).paradigm(url_suffix=                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  , transformation=[   {                    '                    aspect_ratio                    '                  :                                      "                    1.0                    "                  ,                                      '                    gravity                    '                  :                                      "                    confront                    "                  ,                                      '                    width                    '                  :                                      "                    0.6                    "                  ,                                      '                    zoom                    '                  :                                      "                              "                  ,                                      '                    crop                    '                  :                                      "                    thumb                    "                  },   {                    '                    radius                    '                  :                                      "                    max                    "                  },   {                    '                    color                    '                  :                                      "                    chocolate-brown                    "                  ,                                      '                    issue                    '                  :                                      "                    outline                    "                  }   ])

Node.js (cloudinary 1.x):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.image(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  , {url_suffix:                                      "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ,                  transformation: [   {aspect_ratio:                                      "                    ane.0                    "                  ,                  gravity:                                      "                    confront                    "                  ,                  width:                                      "                    0.6                    "                  ,                  zoom:                                      "                    0.7                    "                  ,                  ingather:                                      "                    thumb                    "                  },   {radius:                                      "                    max                    "                  },   {color:                                      "                    brown                    "                  ,                  issue:                                      "                    outline                    "                  }   ]})

Java (cloudinary 1.ten):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.url().transformation(new                  Transformation()   .aspectRatio(                    "                    one.0                    "                  ).gravity(                    "                    confront                    "                  ).width(0.6).zoom(0.7).crop(                    "                    thumb                    "                  ).chain()   .radius(                    "                    max                    "                  ).concatenation()   .color(                    "                    brown                    "                  ).consequence(                    "                    outline                    "                  )).suffix(                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ).imageTag(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  );

JS (@cloudinary/url-gen 1.x):

JS (cloudinary-core two.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.imageTag(                    '                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    '                  , {urlSuffix:                                      "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ,                  transformation: [   {aspectRatio:                                      "                    one.0                    "                  ,                  gravity:                                      "                    face                    "                  ,                  width:                                      "                              "                  ,                  zoom:                                      "                    0.7                    "                  ,                  crop:                                      "                    thumb                    "                  },   {radius:                                      "                    max                    "                  },   {colour:                                      "                    brown                    "                  ,                  effect:                                      "                    outline                    "                  }   ]}).toHtml();

jQuery (cloudinary-jquery 2.x):

Re-create to clipboard

                  $.cloudinary.image(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  , {url_suffix:                                      "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ,                  transformation: [   {aspect_ratio:                                      "                    1.0                    "                  ,                  gravity:                                      "                    face up                    "                  ,                  width:                                      "                    0.6                    "                  ,                  zoom:                                      "                              "                  ,                  crop:                                      "                    pollex                    "                  },   {radius:                                      "                    max                    "                  },   {colour:                                      "                    chocolate-brown                    "                  ,                  effect:                                      "                    outline                    "                  }   ]})

React (@cloudinary/react 1.x):

React (cloudinary-react 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

                  <Image                  publicId=                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                                    urlSuffix=                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                                    >                  <Transformation                  aspectRatio=                    "                    one.0                    "                                    gravity=                    "                    confront                    "                                    width=                    "                    0.6                    "                                    zoom=                    "                    0.7                    "                                    crop=                    "                    thumb                    "                                    />                  <Transformation                  radius=                    "                    max                    "                                    />                  <Transformation                  color=                    "                    brownish                    "                                    effect=                    "                    outline                    "                                    />                  </Image>                

Vue.js (cloudinary-vue 1.ten):

Re-create to clipboard

<cld-image                  public-id=                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                                    url-suffix=                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  >                  <cld-transformation                  aspect-ratio=                    "                    i.0                    "                                    gravity=                    "                    face                    "                                    width=                    "                              "                                    zoom=                    "                    0.7                    "                                    crop=                    "                    pollex                    "                                    />                  <cld-transformation                  radius=                    "                    max                    "                                    />                  <cld-transformation                  color=                    "                    brown                    "                                    effect=                    "                    outline                    "                                    />                  <                    /                    cld-image>                                  

Athwart (@cloudinary/ng i.x):

Angular (@cloudinary/angular-5.ten 1.10 (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

<cl-image                  public-id=                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                                    url-suffix=                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  >   <cl-transformation aspect-ratio=                    "                    1.0                    "                                    gravity=                    "                    face                    "                                    width=                    "                    0.6                    "                                    zoom=                    "                    0.7                    "                                    ingather=                    "                    thumb                    "                  >   <                    /                    cl-transformation>                                                                              <cl-transformation radius="max">                                                                              <                    /                  cl-transformation>   <cl-transformation color=                    "                    brownish                    "                                    effect=                    "                    outline                    "                  >   <                    /                    cl-transformation>                                                        <                    /                  cl-prototype>

.Net (CloudinaryDotNet ane.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.Api.UrlImgUp.Transform(new                  Transformation()   .AspectRatio(                    "                    ane.0                    "                  ).Gravity(                    "                    face                    "                  ).Width(0.half dozen).Zoom(0.7).Ingather(                    "                    thumb                    "                  ).Chain()   .Radius(                    "                    max                    "                  ).Chain()   .Color(                    "                    brown                    "                  ).Effect(                    "                    outline                    "                  )).Suffix(                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ).BuildImageTag(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  )

iOS (cloudinary iii.x):

Re-create to clipboard

imageView.cldSetImage(cloudinary.createUrl().setSuffix(                                      "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ).setTransformation(CLDTransformation()   .setAspectRatio(                    "                    one.0                    "                  ).setGravity(                    "                    face                    "                  ).setWidth(0.6).setZoom(0.7).setCrop(                    "                    thumb                    "                  ).concatenation()   .setRadius(                    "                    max                    "                  ).concatenation()   .setColor(                    "                    dark-brown                    "                  ).setEffect(                    "                    outline                    "                  )).generate(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  )!, cloudinary: cloudinary)

Android (cloudinary-android 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

MediaManager.become().url().transformation(new                  Transformation()   .aspectRatio(                    "                    1.0                    "                  ).gravity(                    "                    face                    "                  ).width(0.6).zoom(0.7).crop(                    "                    thumb                    "                  ).chain()   .radius(                    "                    max                    "                  ).chain()   .colour(                    "                    brown                    "                  ).consequence(                    "                    outline                    "                  )).suffix(                    "                    baloncesto-juego                    "                  ).generate(                    "                    t8sn7wg4jd74j.jpg                    "                  );

Kotlin (kotlin-url-gen 1.x):

Spanish SEO suffix


You can besides make your URLs more SEO friendly by using a custom domain (CNAME) for your URLs instead of the shared The dynamic SEO suffix and CNAME features can also be used together, for example:


CNAMEs are available for Cloudinary's Avant-garde programme and higher, and requires a small setup on Cloudinary'due south side. For more information, see Private CDNs and CNAMEs.

Using a default image placeholder

Default images can be used in the case that a requested image does non exist. For example, a site that automatically stores user profile pictures with the same proper name as the user themselves, allowing you to reference the pictures by user proper name (unless the user has not uploaded a profile flick all the same). Specify a default epitome to use with the default_image parameter (d in URLs) and the public ID + format of a previously uploaded image, for instance, d_placeholder.png to utilize the image with the public ID of placeholder as the default image. Any requested transformations are also practical on the default image as well.

For instance, to use the PNG image chosen avatar as a default image in the case that the paradigm chosen non_existing_id does not be:

Ruby (cloudinary 1.ten):

Re-create to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ,                  :default_image=>                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )

PHP (cloudinary_php ii.10):

Copy to clipboard

(new                  ImageTag(                    '                    non_existing_id.png                    '                  ))   ->delivery(Delivery::defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ));

PHP (cloudinary_php 1.x (legacy)):

Re-create to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ,                  array(                    "                    default_image                    "                  =>                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ))

Python (cloudinary one.x):

Copy to clipboard

CloudinaryImage(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ).epitome(default_image=                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )

Node.js (cloudinary 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.prototype(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  , {default_image:                                      "                    avatar.png                    "                  })

Java (cloudinary ane.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.url().transformation(new                  Transformation().defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )).imageTag(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  );

JS (@cloudinary/url-gen i.ten):

Re-create to clipboard

                  new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ).delivery(defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ));

JS (cloudinary-cadre ii.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.imageTag(                    '                    non_existing_id.png                    '                  , {defaultImage:                                      "                    avatar.png                    "                  }).toHtml();

jQuery (cloudinary-jquery ii.x):

Re-create to clipboard

                  $.cloudinary.epitome(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  , {default_image:                                      "                    avatar.png                    "                  })

React (@cloudinary/react 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

                    new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ).delivery(defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ));

React (cloudinary-react 1.10):

Copy to clipboard

                  <Image                  publicId=                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >                  <Transformation                  defaultImage=                    "                    avatar.png                    "                                    />                  </Image>                

Vue.js (cloudinary-vue 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

<cld-paradigm                  public-id=                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >                  <cld-transformation                  default-prototype=                    "                    avatar.png                    "                                    />                  <                    /                    cld-prototype>                                  

Angular (@cloudinary/ng ane.10):

Copy to clipboard

                    new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ).delivery(defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ));

Angular (@cloudinary/athwart-five.x 1.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

<cl-image                  public-id=                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >   <cl-transformation                  default-image=                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  >   <                    /                    cl-transformation>                                                        <                    /                  cl-image>

.Cyberspace (CloudinaryDotNet 1.x):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.Api.UrlImgUp.Transform(new                  Transformation().DefaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )).BuildImageTag(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )

iOS (cloudinary 3.x):

Copy to clipboard

imageView.cldSetImage(cloudinary.createUrl().setTransformation(CLDTransformation().setDefaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )).generate(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )!, cloudinary: cloudinary)

Android (cloudinary-android 1.x):

Re-create to clipboard

MediaManager.go().url().transformation(new                  Transformation().defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )).generate(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  );

Kotlin (kotlin-url-gen ane.ten):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.paradigm {   publicId(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )    delivery(Commitment.defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ))  }.generate()

avatar used as default image when requested image does not exist

The aforementioned example every bit above, only with transformation parameters applied to scale downward to 200 pixels broad and rotate by 45 degrees:

Cherry-red (cloudinary 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ,                  :transformation=>[   {:angle=>45},   {:width=>200,                  :ingather=>                    "                    calibration                    "                  },   {:default_image=>                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  }   ])

PHP (cloudinary_php 2.x):

Re-create to clipboard

(new                  ImageTag(                    '                    non_existing_id.png                    '                  ))   ->rotate(Rotate::byAngle(45))   ->resize(Resize::scale()->width(200))   ->commitment(Commitment::defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ));

PHP (cloudinary_php i.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ,                  array(                    "                    transformation                    "                  =>array(                  array(                    "                    angle                    "                  =>45),                  array(                    "                    width                    "                  =>200,                                      "                    crop                    "                  =>                    "                    scale                    "                  ),                  array(                    "                    default_image                    "                  =>                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )   )))

Python (cloudinary 1.10):

Copy to clipboard

CloudinaryImage(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  ).prototype(transformation=[   {                    '                    angle                    '                  :                  45},   {                    '                    width                    '                  :                  200,                                      '                    crop                    '                  :                                      "                    scale                    "                  },   {                    '                    default_image                    '                  :                                      "                    avatar.png                    "                  }   ])

Node.js (cloudinary one.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.paradigm(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  , {transformation: [   {angle:                  45},   {width:                  200,                  ingather:                                      "                    calibration                    "                  },   {default_image:                                      "                    avatar.png                    "                  }   ]})

Coffee (cloudinary 1.x):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.url().transformation(new                  Transformation()   .angle(45).chain()   .width(200).crop(                    "                    scale                    "                  ).chain()   .defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )).imageTag(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  );

JS (@cloudinary/url-gen ane.x):

Re-create to clipboard

                  new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )   .rotate(byAngle(45))   .resize(scale().width(200))   .commitment(defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ));

JS (cloudinary-cadre ii.ten (legacy)):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.imageTag(                    '                    non_existing_id.png                    '                  , {transformation: [   {angle:                  45},   {width:                  200,                  crop:                                      "                    scale                    "                  },   {defaultImage:                                      "                    avatar.png                    "                  }   ]}).toHtml();

jQuery (cloudinary-jquery 2.x):

Copy to clipboard

                  $.cloudinary.image(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  , {transformation: [   {angle:                  45},   {width:                  200,                  crop:                                      "                    scale                    "                  },   {default_image:                                      "                    avatar.png                    "                  }   ]})

React (@cloudinary/react 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

                    new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )   .rotate(byAngle(45))   .resize(scale().width(200))   .commitment(defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ));

React (cloudinary-react ane.x):

Copy to clipboard

                  <Image                  publicId=                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >                  <Transformation                  angle=                    "                    45                    "                                    />                  <Transformation                  width=                    "                    200                    "                                    ingather=                    "                    scale                    "                                    />                  <Transformation                  defaultImage=                    "                    avatar.png                    "                                    />                  </Image>                

Vue.js (cloudinary-vue 1.10):

Re-create to clipboard

<cld-prototype                  public-id=                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >                  <cld-transformation                  angle=                    "                    45                    "                                    />                  <cld-transformation                  width=                    "                    200                    "                                    crop=                    "                    scale                    "                                    />                  <cld-transformation                  default-epitome=                    "                    avatar.png                    "                                    />                  <                    /                    cld-image>                                  

Angular (@cloudinary/ng 1.x):

Re-create to clipboard

                    new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )   .rotate(byAngle(45))   .resize(calibration().width(200))   .delivery(defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ));

Angular (@cloudinary/athwart-five.x 1.10 (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

<cl-image                  public-id=                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >   <cl-transformation angle=                    "                    45                    "                  >   <                    /                    cl-transformation>                                                                              <cl-transformation width="200" ingather="scale">                                                                              <                    /                  cl-transformation>   <cl-transformation                  default-image=                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  >   <                    /                    cl-transformation>                                                        <                    /                  cl-prototype>

.NET (CloudinaryDotNet 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.Api.UrlImgUp.Transform(new                  Transformation()   .Angle(45).Chain()   .Width(200).Crop(                    "                    scale                    "                  ).Chain()   .DefaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )).BuildImageTag(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )

iOS (cloudinary 3.ten):

Copy to clipboard

imageView.cldSetImage(cloudinary.createUrl().setTransformation(CLDTransformation()   .setAngle(45).concatenation()   .setWidth(200).setCrop(                    "                    scale                    "                  ).chain()   .setDefaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )).generate(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )!, cloudinary: cloudinary)

Android (cloudinary-android 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

MediaManager.get().url().transformation(new                  Transformation()   .angle(45).chain()   .width(200).crop(                    "                    calibration                    "                  ).concatenation()   .defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  )).generate(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  );

Kotlin (kotlin-url-gen 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.image {   publicId(                    "                    non_existing_id.png                    "                  )    rotate(Rotate.byAngle(45))    resize(Resize.scale() { width(200) })    delivery(Commitment.defaultImage(                    "                    avatar.png                    "                  ))  }.generate()

avatar used as default image when requested image does not exist

If the default image is in a folder, specify its public ID replacing slashes with colons (due thousand., an image with public ID docs/placeholders/samples/avatar.png should be referenced as d_docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png). The intended image should be specified with slashes as normal. For example:

Ruby (cloudinary one.10):

Copy to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  ,                  :transformation=>[   {:width=>100,                  :ingather=>                    "                    scale                    "                  },   {:default_image=>                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  }   ])

PHP (cloudinary_php two.10):

Copy to clipboard

(new                  ImageTag(                    '                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    '                  ))   ->resize(Resize::calibration()->width(100))   ->commitment(Delivery::defaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  ));

PHP (cloudinary_php 1.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cl_image_tag(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  ,                  assortment(                    "                    transformation                    "                  =>array(                  array(                    "                    width                    "                  =>100,                                      "                    crop                    "                  =>                    "                    scale                    "                  ),                  assortment(                    "                    default_image                    "                  =>                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  )   )))

Python (cloudinary 1.x):

Re-create to clipboard

CloudinaryImage(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  ).image(transformation=[   {                    '                    width                    '                  :                  100,                                      '                    crop                    '                  :                                      "                    calibration                    "                  },   {                    '                    default_image                    '                  :                                      "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  }   ])

Node.js (cloudinary one.10):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.image(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  , {transformation: [   {width:                  100,                  crop:                                      "                    calibration                    "                  },   {default_image:                                      "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  }   ]})

Java (cloudinary 1.ten):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.url().transformation(new                  Transformation()   .width(100).crop(                    "                    scale                    "                  ).concatenation()   .defaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  )).imageTag(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  );

JS (@cloudinary/url-gen 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

                  new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  )   .resize(scale().width(100))   .delivery(defaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  ));

JS (cloudinary-core two.x (legacy)):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.imageTag(                    '                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    '                  , {transformation: [   {width:                  100,                  crop:                                      "                    calibration                    "                  },   {defaultImage:                                      "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  }   ]}).toHtml();

jQuery (cloudinary-jquery 2.ten):

Copy to clipboard

                  $.cloudinary.image(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  , {transformation: [   {width:                  100,                  ingather:                                      "                    scale                    "                  },   {default_image:                                      "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  }   ]})

React (@cloudinary/react 1.x):

Re-create to clipboard

                    new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  )   .resize(scale().width(100))   .delivery(defaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  ));

React (cloudinary-react 1.x):

Copy to clipboard

                  <Paradigm                  publicId=                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >                  <Transformation                  width=                    "                    100                    "                                    crop=                    "                    calibration                    "                                    />                  <Transformation                  defaultImage=                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                                    />                  </Prototype>                

Vue.js (cloudinary-vue one.x):

Copy to clipboard

<cld-image                  public-id=                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >                  <cld-transformation                  width=                    "                    100                    "                                    crop=                    "                    calibration                    "                                    />                  <cld-transformation                  default-image=                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                                    />                  <                    /                    cld-image>                                  

Angular (@cloudinary/ng i.x):

Copy to clipboard

                    new                  CloudinaryImage(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  )   .resize(scale().width(100))   .commitment(defaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  ));

Athwart (@cloudinary/angular-v.x 1.x (legacy)):

Re-create to clipboard

<cl-image                  public-id=                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                                    >   <cl-transformation width=                    "                    100                    "                                    ingather=                    "                    scale                    "                  >   <                    /                    cl-transformation>                                                                              <cl-transformation default-image="docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png">                                                                              <                    /                  cl-transformation> <                    /                    cl-image>                                  

.NET (CloudinaryDotNet 1.ten):

Re-create to clipboard

cloudinary.Api.UrlImgUp.Transform(new                  Transformation()   .Width(100).Crop(                    "                    scale                    "                  ).Chain()   .DefaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  )).BuildImageTag(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  )

iOS (cloudinary three.ten):

Copy to clipboard

imageView.cldSetImage(cloudinary.createUrl().setTransformation(CLDTransformation()   .setWidth(100).setCrop(                    "                    scale                    "                  ).chain()   .setDefaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  )).generate(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  )!, cloudinary: cloudinary)

Android (cloudinary-android ane.x):

Re-create to clipboard

MediaManager.get().url().transformation(new                  Transformation()   .width(100).crop(                    "                    calibration                    "                  ).concatenation()   .defaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  )).generate(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  );

Kotlin (kotlin-url-gen i.x):

Copy to clipboard

cloudinary.image {   publicId(                    "                    folder1/folder2/non_existing_id.png                    "                  )    resize(Resize.calibration() { width(100) })    delivery(Commitment.defaultImage(                    "                    docs:placeholders:samples:avatar.png                    "                  ))  }.generate()

avatar used as default image when requested image does not exist

If the requested image does not exist and the default placeholder image is delivered instead, the x_cld_error header will also be included in the response.

Generating delivery URL signatures

Cloudinary delivery URLs require a signature component under the following circumstances:

  • Authenticated media avails - all assets uploaded with their resource_type set to authenticated
  • Dynamic transformations with strict transformations enabled - this just applies to generating and so delivering new derived assets dynamically (on the fly).
  • Dynamic transformations with certain add together-ons - this just applies if the improver has never been used with the asset before. If you apply a Cloudinary add-on that supports on-the-fly activation of the add-on capability in a transformation URL, check the relevant improver documentation for the signature requirements.
  • The signature component is automatically generated and added to the URL when y'all use one of Cloudinary's SDK helper methods you lot include the sign_url boolean parameter set up to true.
  • api_secret, which is a required element of in signature generation, should never be revealed to anyone who is not authorized, and therefore your signature should never be generated on the client side or inside your native application.

To manually create a signed commitment URL, you lot also need to create a signature component of the format /s--SIGNATURE--/ that is based on the Public ID and any transformations or version number you use in the rest of the commitment URL. The SIGNATURE is the first 8 characters of a URL-safe base64 bulletin digest (hash value) created with an SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) cryptographic function.

By default, Cloudinary supports both SHA-i and SHA-256 digests for validation, and you can utilise either. The SDK methods use the SHA-1 algorithm by default, but yous can use the SHA-256 algorithm instead by setting the signature_algorithm SDK configuration parameter to sha256. If you lot want to limit your account to let only the SHA-256 digest for all your validations, submit a request.

To generate the URL signature:

  1. Create a single string including all of the directives for the asset to deliver: whatsoever transformation parameters, the version number, the public_id, and file extension that will be used in the delivery URL, separating each component with slashes (/) (this string is exactly equivalent to the components of the delivery URL that will come up after the signature).
  2. Suspend your API undercover to the terminate of the string.
  3. Create a URL-safe base64 message digest (hash value) of the string using an SHA cryptographic function.

For example, if your API undercover is abcd, and yous demand to generate a signature for the sample image scaled to 300x250, with a grayscale event (w_300,h_250,e_grayscale), and delivered every bit a PNG:

  • Parameters to sign:
    • w_300,h_250,e_grayscale
    • sample.png
  • Parameters in a single string joined with a slash:
    • w_300,h_250,e_grayscale/sample.png
  • String including the API hugger-mugger that is used to create the signature:
    • w_300,h_250,e_grayscale/sample.pngabcd
  • SHA-1 base64 result:
    • INQUGuluWsGzxkcBaITPo7KMKic
  • First 8 characters to employ as URL signature:
    • INQUGulu
  • Full signature component including prefix and suffix:
    • s--INQUGulu--

The final commitment URL including the signature: south--INQUGulu--/w_300,h_250,e_grayscale/sample.png

An example of the above in Ruby on Rails:

Copy to clipboard

transformation =                              "                w_300,h_250,e_grayscale                "                            public_id =                              "                sample.png                "                            secret =                              "                abcd                "                            to_sign = ([transformation, public_id]).join(                "                /                "              ) signature =                              '                s--                '                            +              Base64.urlsafe_encode64(Assimilate::SHA1.digest(to_sign + surreptitious))[0,8] +                              '                --                '                            url =                              '                      '                            + ([signature, to_sign]).join(                "                /                "              )

Encounter also: Take a look at the Cloudinary Signatures quick reference for a summary of the payload cord to sign for delivery URL signatures too equally information on other use cases that may require signature generation.


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