
Powercolor Devil R9 370X 2 GB Graphics Card Pictured and Benchmarked - Pitcairn XT GPU Core With 1180 Mhz Clock - fordgodder

The number 1 pictures and benchmarks of AMD's upcoming Radeon R9 370X graphics tease have been leaked aside Expreview. The Radeon R9 370X is going to be the latest improver to the Radeon 300 series fellowship and testament tackle the GeForce GTX 950 art card that is based on NVIDIA's latest Maxwell computer architecture. The card's going to founder the sub-$200 price range which leave make it a competitive offering for consumers aiming for 1080P play on a budget build.

Image Credits: Expreview

Powercolor Devil R9 370X Card Pictured and Benchmarked

Currently, the Radeon R7 370 that launched endmost month, is supported the Trinidad Pro nontextual matter core which is a new name for the Pitcairn Pro core. The next card in that line will be the Radeon R9 370X which is going to feature article the Trinidad Crosstalk graphics core. It was thought that the left-out X variants in the R7 360, R7 370 and R9 380 lineup would represent feature film major differences compared to their Pro GPU based variants merely it seems like AMD is going to reprocess their early generation cores for the Radeon R9 370X. The trick allows AMD to reduce RnD costs while making their existing chips more competitive with lower prices.

The carte tested by Expreview is the Powercolor Deuce R9 370X which is a to the full tradition invention, featuring the Trinidad XT core with 1280 rain cats and dogs processors, 80 TMUs and 32 ROPs. Since the GPU is the same as Pitcairn XT, we are look a 212mm2 die that houses 2.8 Billion transistors. The Radeon R7 370X card comes with a clock pelt along of 1180 Megahertz and a memory clock of 1400 Megacycle per second (QDR) which pumps out 179.2 GB/s bandwidth. Memory is conspicuous crossways a 256-bit bus and we can expect both 2 GB and 4 Gi variants of this card. The core clocks for this specific model that was acquired by Expreview are based unsatisfactory a factory overclocked model so the reference models might follow the same speeds as the Radeon R9 270X which were 1000 MHz (floor) and 1050 MHz (boost). The card will get power through dual 6-Pin connectors on reference and customs models.

When it comes to design, the poster spans two good slots with its full length cooler that incorporates trinity fans (2 x 80mm and 1 x 92mm). The carte du jour comes in the Devil's traditional red and black colouring scheme that has a nice colorful backplate to keep components precooled and hidden on the aft. A large heatsink that comprises of single aluminum fins dissipates heating through large copper heatpipes that are cooled down by the PWM fans. The bill of fare comes with Two-fold-DVI, HDMI and two miniskirt Display Port connectors. Beneath the heatsink lies a 7+1+1 phase digital power append with IR DirectFET MOSFETs and potential difference is regulated through the CHL8228G PWM chip.

Powercolor Ogre R9 370X Operation Numbers:

While not compared against any specific card, the source did furnish some numbers that indicate gaming and synthetic performance of the future card. First of all, the card was tested in 3DMDark 11 (Extreme Way) with stock clocks that got a score of X2746 Marks and when overclocked to utmost frequency viable on the card (1230 MHz), the card got a score of X2889. As far as power expenditure is concerned, the system ran at 69W at 32C in idle mode and 232W at 75C fully load. In 3DMark Firestrike, the card manage to score 6120 marks while Witcher 3 ran in the range of 40-50 FPS on 1080P with a sort of high and medium settings that are stark for a card with this sort of performance. A GeForce GTX 960 (reference model) which retails for $199 The States can score more or less X3400 marks in 3DMark 11 and P7500 Marks in 3DMark Firestrike. And then we can reckon that price wise, this card will be utterly inclined to tackle the GeForce GTX 950 which will spill around the same performance set out.

Update: The Sapphire Radeon R9 370X Tri-X OC has also been unveiled which shows yet again, a fully custom-built conception for the Pitcairn Crosstalk based graphics circuit card. Along with the Sapphire manakin, some official slides for the R9 Devil 370X birth besides appeared which evidenc in good order gains ended the Radeon R7 370.

Powercolor Devil R9 370X 2 GB Gallery (Good manners of Expreview):

Sapphire Radeon R9 370X Tri-X OC:

AMD Radeon 300 Serial publication Specifications:

Artwork Card GPU Atomic number 29 / SP GPU/Memory Clock Accelerate Retentiveness User interface Memory Bandwidth TDP Pricing
R9 390X Grenada XT 44 / 2816 1050/1500 MHz 8GB GDDR5 512-bit 384 GB/s 275W $429 US
R9 390 Grenada Pro 40 / 2560 1000/1500 MHz 4-8GB GDDR5 512-bit 384 GB/s 275W $299-$329 US
R9 380X Antigua XT 32/2048 970/1425 MHz 4 GB GDDR5 256-bit 182 United Kingdom/s 190W $229-$249 US
R9 380 Antigua Pro 28 / 1792 970/1425 MHz 4GB GDDR5 256-bit 182 GB/s 190W $199 US
R9 370X Trinidad XT 20 / 1280 1000/1400 MHz 4 GB GDDR5 256-bit 179 GB/s 180W $179 U.S.
R7 370 Trinidad Pro 16 / 1024 975/1400MHz 4GB GDDR5 256-bit 179 GB/s 110W $149 U.S.A
R7 360 Tobago Pro 12 / 768 1050/1625 Megacycle per second 2 GB GDDR5 128-bit 104 G/s 100W $109 US
R7 350 Cape Verde XTL/Pro 10 / 640
8 / 512
1000/1125 MHz 2 GB GDDR5 128-bit 72.0 GB/s 60-75W $89 US


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